Thursday, January 26, 2012


So the start of this day sucked when i woke up at 8:30 i found my poor puppy puking in her cage so of course i took her outside where she went potty, came back inside cleaned up her puke, then proceeded to making sure she was okay. After about an hour of cuddling and kissies I went back to sleep...

BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP... the alarm goes off... Damnit.

12:00 I wake up and roll out of bed, get dressed, comb my nappy hair, and get ready to go visit the surgeons office... In about 5 months i will be undergoing gasteric bypass surgery. The doctor went well, I got some good information, some information that sucks, but all in all the visit went well. I am looking forward to starting my new life and being healthy and without diabetes :)

ANYWHOOO... I came home and saw packages next to the door o.0?! I squeaked a little bit as i have been waiting to get my tattoo shipment in the mail for my new needles, tubes, inks, and NEW MACHINE!! I hopped up and out of the car and basically sprinted to my packages. When i opened up i saw beauty... Two of the Three packages have arrived!! Now i am just waiting on my inks and my tattoo machine. *swoon* Pictures will def. be posted when those come!! But for now i'm off to organize my new kit o.0!!

Dear Someone, if you love me... buy me this!!!!

First Posts are always boring.

So First posts are usually boring and just introduce people so I suppose i'll hop aboard this blogger ship and start talking about myself. Haha.

Some things you should definitely know are as follows:
Name: Kelly
Title: Secret Agent... no just kidding, I wish. I'm just an avid crafter and starving artist... but i'm not really starving. Mild Tattoo artist also.
Age: 22
Location: Kent, Ohio

Some of the things I love are as follows:
Ice cream, cupcakes (hence the name), baking, my puppy, my guinea pig, my family is the world to me, friends are nice too, movies are cool, i am a huge harry potter nerd, i'm edge (hence the 3 x's), my niece is the cutest thing to walk the earth, grilled cheese, cuddling, naps, crafting, sewing, knitting, jewelry making (which not to brag, but i kind of kick ass at), water coloring, walks, funny emote faces (o.0,>_<,^_^,etc.), tattooing, getting tattooed, my hair, storage wars, traveling, German food.

That's about it for me!! Here's a cute picture to end this post:

Have a Great Thursday!! And Remember, Stay Classy!!